Given the approach we take at Levels For Guitar, we believe we have created a solid guitar teaching resource for those who homeschool their children. We offer 100 beginner guitar lessons which when completed with proper practice, study and time will yield an intermediate player with good playing skills and a solid understanding of music theory.
The guitar lessons on this website have been put together using years of experience and seeing the deficiencies in other guitar resources. The approach we take isn’t just simplicity and breaking guitar learning and music theory down to its smallest components, we provide fundamentals, structure and direction.
We are not out to teach you how to play specific songs, there are plenty of websites that do that already. Our aim is to create solid guitar players who have a mastery of guitar playing and an understanding of music; guitar players who can teach themselves the song they want to learn, or even create their own music.
Levels For Guitar can act as a stand alone resource for self-teaching in a homeschool curriculum or as a supplement to teacher-led guitar lessons. How ever you choose to use it, we believe we are providing a unique resource at a cost well below private guitar lessons.
The educational content at Levels For Guitar is expanding beyond our core beginner guitar lessons. We are currently building the intermediate guitar levels which will be chock full of videos, texts, diagrams and sheet music to create an advanced player.
You have nothing to lose. Check out our free guitar lessons and perhaps consider signing up, there is no risk or commitment.