At this point you should know the names of the strings. From the ceiling to the floor: 6E 5A 4D 3G 2B 1E It is important to add music theory and knowledge of the guitar along the way of developing guitar skills. To start, memorize the following: WHOLE STEP A whole step is the distance...Read More
This post covers the pick strum pattern using E-Minor. When strumming chords on an electric guitar as opposed to playing scales, we float the right hand over the strings (hovering about a quarter of an inch) centered somewhere between the bridge and where the neck begins. Pick the top E string and strum the rest...Read More
Using scale technique, you should be able to learn and play some basic guitar chords such as the E-Minor and A-Minor. The guitar chord diagrams down below are both popular for teaching chords on the guitar. The vertical lines represent strings and the horizontal lines represent frets. The numbers represent left hand finger positions. “X”...Read More